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sustainable and socially conscious architecture since 1972


In a recent lecture for the Wright Design Series in Madison, Wisconsin, Lou Host-Jablonski describes Design Coalition's mission and work over the past 4+ decades






Design Coalition is located
on the East Side of Madison, Wisconsin
at 2088 Atwood Avenue.

Our Mission & Values
Design Coalition was founded with the mission of serving and empowering people who are without access to quality design and construction expertise. Today, we have evolved into a small architectural firm that still specializes in socially conscious and ecologically responsible design. We have always sought ways to serve a greater community good through our professional practice, engaging in the public debate that questions how and why we all plan and build as we do. We work with our clients and the community, not only for a successful project, but also for positive change. We accept our responsibility to help safeguard and restore natural systems.

For a long time, we have been convinced that mainstream building and planning practices in the United States are too often driven by shortsighted profit-seeking and inertia, and can no longer be supported by the planet. We have always endeavored to design buildings and sites that are not only functional and beautiful, but resource- and energy-efficient, non-toxic, and healthy – creating a built environment that will endure into the future, leaving a smaller ecological footprint on our planet.

We bring the same values to our work whether for non-profit groups, businesses, or homeowners. We take seriously our role in educating clients and we enjoy learning along with them. We are always eager to work with clients and partners who bring a social and ecological consciousness to a project. With their collaboration, our projects demonstrate these values and a shared vision of sustainability.

We are thrilled to see green consciousness moving so swiftly into the mainstream. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we come poised to assist clients and communities as they join the rising tide of the green building movement. As we move forward, we continue our work to create sustainable homes, buildings, and communities that are intelligently planned and truly livable, places that fully welcome all of us, our children, the elderly and those with disabilities. Places which, in a word, are whole.

"There is no polite way to say that business is destroying the world.... Ironically, business also contains our blessing. It must, because no other institution in the modern world is powerful enough to foster the necessary changes." Paul Hawken, The Ecology of Commerce

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